3 May 2012

Psalm Choir concert

Joshua Hoekstra, director of the Protestant Reformed Psalm Choir, has just uploaded a recording of  his group singing Genevan Psalm 105:

This is from his notes accompanying the video:

This video is being published in advance of the May 6, 2012 Psalm Choir concert to help draw attention to the concert. This video is also intended to celebrate the 450th anniversary of the Genevan Psalter. This song will be included in the upcoming concert by the Psalm Choir and was recorded on April 22, 2012. Performance by the Psalm Choir of Psalm 105, Psalter 425 titled "Unto the Lord Lift Thankful Voices."
The concert will take place at the Grandville Protestant Reformed Church, Grandville, Michigan. I would love to be able to attend, were it not for the distance. Nevertheless, I wish this ensemble all the best as they sing God's praises in his own words.

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